
Prof. dr. Adriana F. SESTRAŞ

  • Main fields of scientific interest:
  • Biostatistics
  • Ecology
  • Biodiversity
  • Plant Breeding – Horticulture, Forestry

Patents: nine

Coauthor of six pear and three apple cultivars, created at Fruit Research Station Cluj (FRS/SCDP Cluj) and approved by ISTIS as follows:

“Arvena” (pear cultivar, ISTIS certificate 8420/29.11.07).

“Meda” and “Latina” (pear cultivars, ISTIS certificate 2009).

“Stefano”, “Silvan”, “Someşan” (apple cultivars, ISTIS certificate 2010).

“Transilvania”, “Primadona”, “Adria” (pear cultivars, ISTIS certificate ISTIS 2010).




Homologation and ISTIS certificate


Pyrus communis

R Sestraş, M Străulea, E Hărşan, M Străulea, Ghidra V, A Sestraş Homologated 2007; certificated ISTIS Nr 8420/29.11.2007
Latina R Sestraş, E Hărşan, M Străulea, A Sestraş, A Bărbos Homologated 2009; certificated ISTIS Nr. 2357/09.04.2009
Meda R Sestraş, E Hărşan, M Străulea, A Sestraş, A Bărbos Homologated 2009; certificated ISTIS Nr. 2357/09.04.2009
Adria R Sestraş, E Hărşan, M Străulea, A Sestraş, A Bărbos Homologated 2010; certificated ISTIS Nr. 6530/08.09.2010
Primadona R Sestraş, E Hărşan, M Străulea, A Sestraş, A Bărbos Homologated 2010; certificated ISTIS Nr.6529/08.09.2010
Transilvania R Sestraş, M Străulea, E Hărşan, A Sestraş, A Bărbos Homologated 2010; certificated ISTIS Nr. 6528/08.09.2010

Malus domestica

R.  Sestraş, E Hărşan, A Sestraş, A Bărbos Homologated 2010; certificated ISTIS Nr. 6527/08.09.2010
Silvan R Sestraş, E Hărşan, A Sestraş, A Bărbos Homologated 2010; certificated ISTIS Nr. 2571/15.04.2010
Stefano S Oprea, R Sestraş, E Hărşan, M Străulea, A Sestraş, A Bărbos Homologated 2010; certificated ISTIS Nr. 2571/15.04.2010

Note: All varieties have been approved by the State Institute for Variety Testing and Registration (ISTIS) and are included in the official catalogue of varieties of crops in Romania (

Member of professional associations: 

Editorial Board member – journals:

Guest Editor – journals:


More than 100 articles indexed / abstracted in: Clarivate (Researcher ID), CAB DirectDOAJ, Viniti, INIST, Index Copernicus, BASE, BLD, EBSCO, SCOPUS, Google Scholar/Academic.

Books (selection):



ŞTEFAN N (coordonator) (2013). Pomologia României (Volumul IX). Ed. Agricola, București. ISBN 978-606-83 68-04-7. 1095 pagini.


MILITARU M, BRANIŞTE N, SESTRAŞ A, ANDREIEŞ N (2010). Ameliorarea soiurilor de pere. Realizări şi perspective. Editura Universităţii din Piteşti. ISBN: 978-606-560-145-1.

MILITARU M, COMAN M, BUTAC M, STURZEANU M, TITITRICĂ I, CĂLINESCU M, STANCIU C, BOTU M, GAVĂT C, SÎRBU S, IUREA E, ERCULESCU M, SESTRAŞ A (2018). Fondul de germoplasmă la speciile pomicole cultivate în România. Editura Invel Multimedia. ISBN 978-606-764-044-1.

SESTRAȘ FA (2018). Biostatistică şi tehnică experimentală forestieră: manual didactic. Editura AcademicPres. ISBN 978-973-744-670-1.

SESTRAȘ FA (2019). Modele statistice aplicate în cercetarea horticolă. Editura Risoprint. ISBN 978-973-53-2387-5.

Scientific Society – SHST: founder member and secretary

Banner SHST

Societatea de Horticultură şi Silvicultură din Transilvania

(Horticulture and Forestry Society from Transylvania)


 Scientific IDs: