Horticulture Event: 26-27 Sept 2017
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Celebrating 40 years of excellence in education and research in the field of horticulture within the Faculty of Horticulture at the University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine Cluj-Napoca is a moment of great joy for the academic staff, the graduates and the students of the faculty. The Council of the Faculty of Horticulture has the honour to invite you to participate at the ceremony and scientific programme in Aula Magna “Mihai Serban” of the University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine Cluj-Napoca on the 27th of September, 2017. The programme festivities will take place according to the following schedule:
Great Event – September 26-27, 2017
University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine Cluj-Napoca
“40 Years of Horticulture Education in Cluj-Napoca, 1977-2017”
special event
Faculty of horticulture
26-27 september 2017
Celebrating 40 years of excellence in education and research in the field of horticulture within the Faculty of Horticulture at the University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine Cluj-Napoca is a moment of great joy for the academic staff, the graduates and the students of the faculty. The Council of the Faculty of Horticulture has the honour to invite you to participate at the ceremony and scientific programme at the University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine Cluj-Napoca (UASVM), 26-27 September, 2017. The programme and festivities will take place according to the following schedule:
Date/Hours/Place | Event |
26.09.2017 | |
16.00-18.00 UASVM – ICHAT | Registration I |
18.00-19.00 UASVM – ICHAT | Workshop: ‘News about scientific publishing and IF – Impact Factor’,
Radu E. Sestras – Editor-in-Chief, Notulae Botanicae Horti Agrobotanici Cluj-Napoca journal; invited speakers – members of editorial board: Dimitrios Bilalis, Francisco Fuentes, Oscar Vicente |
19.15-23.00 Valachia Restaurant | Welcome party
Romanian traditional food, wine and music |
27.09.2017 | |
UASVM – Aula Magna | Festivity “40 Years of Horticulture Education in Cluj-Napoca” |
08.30-10.00 | Registration II |
9.45-10.00 | Chamber concert |
Gaudeamus | |
10.00-10.05 | Opening ceremony – Dean, Prof. Viorel MITRE, PhD |
10.05-10.10 | Welcome Speech – Rector, Prof. Cornel CĂTOI, PhD |
10.10-10.30 | 40 years of Horticulture – Dean, Prof. Viorel MITRE, PhD |
10.30-10.55 | Anniversary messages, UASVM – Aula Magna |
Emil BOC, Mayor of Cluj (Prime Minister of Romania, 2008-2012) | |
Sorin Mihai CÎMPEANU, dr. h.c. mult. (Prime Minister of Romania, 2015), Rector UASVM Bucharest | |
Dacian CIOLOȘ, pr. h.c (Prime Minister of Romania, 2015- 2017) | |
Ioan GROZA, dr. h.c., Gen Dir Ministry of Education | |
Gheorghe GLĂMAN, dr. h.c. mult., President SRH Romania | |
Jaime PROHENS, dr. h.c., UPV, Valencia, Spain | |
Vasile VÎNTU, dr. h.c., Rector UASVM Iași | |
Ioan ABRUDAN, dr. h.c. mult., Rector Univ. Brașov | |
Dorel HOZA, dean Horticulture, UASVM Bucharest | |
Lucia DRAGHIA, dean Horticulture, UASVM Iași | |
Sina COSMULESCU, dean Horticulture, Univ. Craiova | |
Dorin CAMEN, dean Horticulture, UASVM Timisoara | |
Mihail COMAN, director National Institute of Pomiculture | |
Gheorghe IOVA, director Cramele Recaș | |
10.55-11.00 | Prepare the DHC moments (chamber concert, trumpets) |
11.00-11.20 | Granting ‘Doctor Honoris Causa’ – Oscar VICENTE, UPV, Valencia |
11.20-11.40 | Granting ‘Doctor Honoris Causa’ – Dimitrios BILALIS, AUA, Athens |
11.40-12.00 | Chamber Concert |
12.00-14.00 UASVM Biodiversity | Lunch |
UASVM – Aula Magna | Conference “40 Years of Horticulture Education in Cluj-Napoca” |
14.00-15.00 | Oral presentations
Chairman: Doru PAMFIL, UASVM Cluj-Napoca Moderators: Adrián RODRÍGUEZ-BURRUEZO, UPV, Valencia Lucian CURTU, University of Brașov Invited speakers: Jaime PROHENS, Universitat Politècnica de València Albert REIF, University of Freiburg Francisco FUENTES, Pontifical Catholic University of Chile Velibor SPALEVIC, University of Montenegro |
15.00-15.15 | Coffee break |
15.15-16.15 | Oral presentations
Chairman: Viorel MITRE, UASVM Cluj-Napoca Moderators: Apostolos P. KYRIAZOPOULOS, Democritus University of Thrace Robert VEBERIC, University of Ljubljana Invited speakers: Klaus SCHALLER, Geisenheim University Andreas KATSIOTIS, Cyprus University of Technology Jerneja JAKOPIČ, University of Ljubljana Maurizio LAMBARDI, CNR IVALSA Institute |
16.15-16.30 | Coffee break |
16.30-18.30 | Oral presentations
Chairman: Radu SESTRAS, UASVM Cluj-Napoca Moderators: Francisco FUENTES, Pontifical Catholic University of Chile Velibor SPALEVIC, University of Montenegro Flash Talk |
18.30-19.00 | Break (30’) – Transfer (by bus) to Grand Hotel Italia
Meeting point: central parking place of University at 18.45 |
19.00-24.00 | Gala Dinner Festive banquet, including chamber music, artistic programme ![]() |
Return to the University (by bus) at: 23oo, 233o, 24oo
Meeting point: Grand Hotel Italia parking place |
28-30.09.2017 | UASVM |
16th International Symposium “Prospects for the 3rd Millennium Agriculture” http://symposium.usamvcluj.ro |
A. The participation to the festive ceremony will be open access (free of charges) being dedicated to academic communities, students, graduates, teaching staff, officials, participants to the conference, invited guests etc. The conference will be also open for all participants. Admittance to the rest of events will be permitted only with personal invitation and confirmation of attendance.
B. For the conference, we invite you to submit scientific papers. A limited number of accepted papers, on different topics of Horticulture, will be selected for presentations. They will be published in a special issue of Notulae Botanicae Horti Agrobotanici Cluj-Napoca (ISI Plant Sciences, IF 2015-0.451; http://www.notulaebotanicae.ro) dedicated exclusively for this celebration moment. If you are interested, please register on conference web-site and upload the abstract of your contribution (200-250 words in a structured form as you find in journal requirements, reflecting the structure of the article – background, material and methods, results, conclusion) until 15 March 2017 (see ‘Key dates’). You can send it also by e-mail address: editor1@notulae.ro. Submissions will be evaluated with regard to their suitability for the conference, originality, and technical soundness. The authors of suitable presentations for the conference will be invited to submit their contributions as full text, using journal rules and e-platform until 15 May 2017. Accepted papers will be presented in either oral or poster sessions and will be published before the start of conference. The publication cost (one paper per participant) is 250 Euro, which include also the attendance of all programmes, bag, certificate, meals, coffee breaks etc. and additional paper(s) (more than one per author), published in Notulae Scientia Biologicae (http://www.notulaebiologicae.ro).
In addition, we invite you to participate during the following days (28-30 September 2017) to the traditional symposium “Prospects for the 3rd Millennium Agriculture” as follow:
Date (2017 September) | Hours | Event | Place, details |
28-29 Sept. | 9.00-18.00 | UASVM Symposium | UASVM |
29 Sept. | 19.00-24.00 | Banquet | Will be established |
30 Sept. | 9.00-19.00 | Excursion ‘Transylvanian tour’ | Optional (fee ~35 Euro) |
The international symposium “Prospects for the 3rd Millennium Agriculture” is organised annually by our university, with a large scientific topics including our ‘Horticulture and Forestry’ section (genetics and plant breeding, biotechnology, fruit growing, viticulture, vegetable growing, floriculture, ornamental plants and landscape architecture, forestry). You will find information about the symposium, fees (approx. 100 Euro – including attendance, bag, coffee breaks, banquet) and submission of the papers on http://symposium.usamvcluj.ro. The submitted/accepted papers are published in “Bulletin of the University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine Cluj-Napoca. Horticulture” (http://journals.usamvcluj.ro/index.php/horticulture/index).
IMPORTANT: The two events require separate registration and different submission of the contributions.
It is our great pleasure to invite delegates from all sections of the horticulture domains to our event celebration entitled “40 Years of Horticulture Education in Cluj-Napoca, 1977-2017” in the University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine (UASVM), Cluj-Napoca, Romania (http://www.usamvcluj.ro/eng/).
With this occasion, except festive ceremony opened by the Rector of UASVM Cluj-Napoca, Prof. dr. Cornel CĂTOI (including presentation of the Faculty of Horticulture from Cluj-Napoca, of the Dean of Horticulture Faculty – Prof. dr. Viorel MITRE, anniversary messages, granting two titles of ‘Doctor Honoris Causa’) we organize a scientific conference and we will published the contributions in a special issue of Notulae Botanicae Horti Agrobotanici Cluj-Napoca (ISI Plant Sciences; http://www.notulaebotanicae.ro; abbreviated in continuation NBHA-CN), dedicated exclusively for this celebration moment.
Ceremonies and scientific events will take place in UASVM locations, including new Advanced Horticultural Research Institute of Transylvania (ICHAT), Director – Prof. dr. Doru PAMFIL.
Romanian Prime Minister Dacian CIOLOS (Faculty of Horticulture Cluj-Napoca graduate), officials and academic staff at the opening of the Advanced Horticultural Research Institute of Transylvania (ICHAT), October 31, 2016
Aegis Institutions and Organizers
- Cornel CĂTOI, Rector, UASVM Cluj-Napoca
- Ioan G. OROIAN, President, UASVM Senate, UASVM Cluj-Napoca
- Doru C. PAMFIL, Vice-Rector, Director ICHAT, UASVM Cluj-Napoca
- Dan VODNAR, Vice-Rector, UASVM Cluj-Napoca
- Ioana Delia POP, Vice-Rector, UASVM Cluj-Napoca
- Viorel MITRE, Dean, Faculty of Horticulture, UASVM Cluj-Napoca
- Radu E. SESTRAS, Director Dept. Horticulture-Landscape, UASVM Cluj-Napoca
UASVM Cluj-Napoca logo (web page: http://www.usamvcluj.ro/)
Committees of the conference and the special issueS of NBHA-CN
Scientific Committee
- Ioan Vasile ABRUDAN, ‘Transilvania’ University, Brasov, Romania (dr.h.c. UASVM)
- Dimitrios BILALIS, Agricultural University of Athens, Athens, Greece
- Carlo BLASI, Sapienza University, Rome, Italy
- Sorin Mihai CÎMPEANU, UASVM Bucharest, Romania (dr.h.c. mult.)
- Gheorghe CIMPOIES, State Agrarian University, Chișinău, Moldova (dr.h.c. UASVM)
- Kamal CHOWDHURY, Claflin University, Orangeburg, USA
- Valeriu V. COTEA, UASVM Iași, Romania
- Lucian A. CURTU, Transilvania University, Brasov, Romania
- Sezai ERCISLI, Ataturk University, Erzurum, Turkey
- Francisco FUENTES, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile, Santiago, Chile
- Marek GAJEWSKI, Warsaw University of Life Sciences, Warszawa, Poland
- Gheorghe GLĂMAN, Academy of Agricultural and Forestry Sciences, Romania
- Ivan ILIEV, University of Forestry, Sofia, Bulgaria
- Apostolos KYRIAZOPOULOS, Democritus University of Thrace, Greece
- Jules JANICK, Purdue University, USA (dr.h.c. UASVM)
- Maurizio LAMBARDI, CNR, NRC IVALSA, Firenze, Italy
- Andrea LUVISI, Università del Salento, Lecce, Italy
- Amarendra Narayan MISRA, Fakir Mohan University, Balasore, India
- Ioan NEGRUTIU, Ecole Normale Supérieure, Lyon, France
- Doru C. PAMFIL, UASVM Cluj-Napoca, Romania (Academician, dr.h.c.)
- Cosmin Alin POPESCU, UASVM Timișoara, Romania
- Jaime PROHENS, Universitat Politècnica de València, Spain (dr.h.c. UASVM)
- Albert REIF, Univ. Freiburg, Germany (dr.h.c. UASVM)
- Klaus SCHALLER, Research Center, Geisenheim, Germany (dr.h.c. UASVM)
- Velibor SPALEVIC, University of Montenegro, Montenegro
- Ibrahim UZUN, Akdeniz University, Antalya, Turkey
- Oscar VICENTE, IBMCP Universidad Politécnica de Valencia, Valencia, Spain
- Vasile VÎNTU, UASVM Iași, Romania (dr.h.c. UASVM)
Organising Committee
- Viorel MITRE, Dean, Faculty of Horticulture, UASVM Cluj-Napoca
- Mirela CORDEA, Vice-Dean, Faculty of Horticulture, UASVM Cluj-Napoca
- Erzsebet BUTA, Vice-Dean, Faculty of Horticulture, UASVM Cluj-Napoca
- Tudor SĂLĂGEAN, Vice-Dean, Faculty of Horticulture, UASVM Cluj-Napoca
- Florin STĂNICĂ, Vice-Rector, UASVM Bucharest, Romania
- Răzvan Ionuț TEODORESCU, Vice-Rector, UASVM Bucharest, Romania
- Dorel HOZA, Dean Faculty of Horticulture, UASVM Bucharest, Romania
- Lucia DRAGHIA, Dean Faculty of Horticulture, UASVM Iași, Romania
- Sina COSMULESCU, Dean Faculty of Horticulture, Univ. Craiova, Romania
- Dorin CAMEN, Dean Faculty of Horticulture, UASVM Timișoara, Romania
- Sergiu HORODNIC, Dean Faculty of Silviculture, Univ. Suceava, Romania
- Adrian ASĂNICĂ, Vice-Dean Faculty of Horticulture, UASVM Bucharest, Romania
- Adrian PETICILĂ, Vice-Dean Faculty of Horticulture, UASVM Bucharest, Romania
- Florica MATEI, Director Dept. Mathematics and Land Measurement, UASVM Cluj-Napoca
- Felix ARION, Director Dept. Economics and Management, UASVM Cluj-Napoca
- Mugurel JITEA, Director Adj. Dept. Economics and Management, UASVM Cluj-Napoca
- Liviu HOLONEC, Director Dept. Forestry, UASVM Cluj-Napoca
- Ioan TĂUT, Director ICAS, UASVM Cluj-Napoca
- Claudiu Ioan BUNEA, Director Fruit Research Station Cluj, UASVM Cluj-Napoca
- Rodica Maria SIMA, Director Adj. Dept. Horticulture-Landscape, UASVM Cluj-Napoca
- Radu E. SESTRAS, Director Dept. Horticulture-Landscape, UASVM Cluj-Napoca
Local Organising and Publishing Committee
- Adriana F. SESTRAS
- Rodica POP
- Anca Cristina BABES
- Cristian Radu SISEA
- Răzvan A. VASIU
- Horia D. VLASIN
- Vasile ȘIMONCA
- Cătălina DAN
- Roxana L. STOIAN
- Lucica MIHALTE
- Alina M. TRUȚA
- Dorottya DOMOKOS
- Sonia BORS
- Denisa JUCAN
- Ioana PLESA
- Iulia GLIGA
- Adriana BACIU
Faculty of Horticulture Cluj-Napoca logo (web page: http://horticultura.usamvcluj.ro/)
Find the accepted papers (peer reviewed) – published in:
Notulae Botanicae Horti Agrobotanici Cluj-Napoca
-Volume 45, Issue 2, 2017 (link)
-Volume 46, Issue 1, 2018 (link)
Jules JANICK receiving the highest honorific title of ‘Doctor Honoris Causa’, UASVM Cluj-Napoca, September 30, 2010 (http://www.notulaebotanicae.ro/index.php/nbha/article/view/5466/7580)
You can find an exciting article of Professor Janick in the latest issue of Notulae Botanicae Horti Agrobotanici Cluj-Napoca, entitled “Identification of Plants in the 1584 Murals of the Casa del Deán, Puebla, México” (written by Arthur O. TUCKER and Jules JANICK). We will enjoy for another extremely interesting contribution of Professor Janick, with the special issue occasion (“Were Juan Gerson the Illustrator and Gasper de Torres the Author of the Voynich Codex?”, written by Jules JANICK and Arthur O. TUCKER)
Advanced Horticultural Research Institute of Transylvania (ICHAT), opened in October 31, 2016
Ioan Vasile ABRUDAN, rector of the ‘Transylvania’ University from Brasov, Romania (left) and Jaime PROHENS, from the Polytechnic University of Valencia, Spain (right), receiving the honorific title of ‘Doctor Honoris Causa’, UASVM Cluj-Napoca, November 29, 2012, with the occasion of celebrating 35 years of horticulture higher education, Faculty of Horticulture Cluj-Napoca (http://www.notulaebotanicae.ro/index.php/nbha/article/view/9168/7627)
Carlo BLASI– left (September 29, 2011) and Maurizio LAMBARDI – right (September 26, 2013) as invited speakers in plenary session of UASVM symposium
Horticulture and Forestry Society from Transylvania (SHST – http://www.shst.ro)
Contribution presentation
For the special issue of Notulae Botanicae Horti Agrobotanici Cluj-Napoca (ISI Plant Sciences; http://www.notulaebotanicae.ro) will be selected about 40 papers for presentation, from which ten will be presented as oral contribution (10 minutes presentation and 5 minutes questions and answers). Because we intend to publish this special issue before conference, the selected papers as posters will be presented in fact only electronically, and will be projected approximately 3 minutes. In case of interest, each participant with this presentation can shortly present own contribution. Both selected contributions as oral or short communication (ppt, eg. 5-15 slides) will be published as full text in the ISI journal Notulae Botanicae Horti Agrobotanici Cluj-Napoca. Additionally contributions will be published in a special issue of Notulae Scientia Biologicae. More details regarding presentations will be provided later.
Key dates*
“40 Years of Horticulture Education in Cluj-Napoca, 1977-2017”
and submission of contributions to
Notulae Botanicae Horti Agrobotanici Cluj-Napoca (NBHA-CN) (http://www.notulaebotanicae.ro)
December 1, 2016 | Call for abstracts open | |
March 15, 2017 | Abstract submissions closes | |
April 1, 2017 | Notify accepted contributions and payment procedure | |
May 15, 2017 | Submission of full text contributions closes | |
May 15-Aug 15, 2017 | Peer review of submissions, revisions and payment procedure | |
September 20, 2017 | Publishing special issue | |
September 27, 2017 | Conference in the festive day ‘Horticulture 40 years’ |
Registration and submission of contributions to the international symposium
“Prospects for the 3rd Millennium Agriculture”
and publishing in Bulletin of the University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine Cluj-Napoca Horticulture (http://journals.usamvcluj.ro/index.php/horticulture/index).
Web page: http://symposium.usamvcluj.ro/ | ||
June 15, 2017 | Deadline for abstract submissions | |
July 1, 2017 | Notification of abstract acceptance | |
September 15, 2017 | Deadline for standard payments | |
August/December, 2017 | Time period for paper submissions to be published in Bulletin UASVM-CN | |
September 28-30, 2017 | ‘Millennium Agriculture’ symposium progress |
* For more information or actualisation please visit the websites
Registration fees
There are separately fees for:
a) Publication of one paper in NBHA-CN associated to the Faculty of Horticulture event “40 Years of Horticulture Education in Cluj-Napoca, 1977-2017” in 27 September 2017.
b) Participation during 28-30 September 2017 in the UASVM symposium “Prospects for the 3rd Millennium Agriculture”.
They will include:
a) 250 Euro for publication of one paper in the special issue of Notulae Botanicae Horti Agrobotanici Cluj-Napoca (ISI Plant Sciences), dedicated exclusively for this celebration moment (see acceptance procedure and ‘Key dates’), and eventually additional one(s) in Notulae Scientia Biologicae journal. In addition, this fee covers admission to all festive ceremony and scientific sessions, badge, ceremony/conference bag, certificate, welcome reception in 26 September 2017, lunch and gala dinner, coffee breaks. It worth to be mentioned that the regular fee for a paper publishing in the NBHA-CN journal is 200 Euro (an ordinary regular article of six pages), with 50 Euro for each page in excess of six. See details on conference web-page: http://conference.shst.ro.
b) 100 Euro for 28-30 September 2017 symposium “Prospects for the 3rd Millennium Agriculture”, with possible early / reduced payments, as you will see on web page of symposium (http://symposium.usamvcluj.ro/). The fees will include the admission to all scientific sessions, admission to the exhibition, badge, symposium bag, certificate, book of abstracts, welcome reception, coffee breaks, banquet, publication of accepted papers in Bulletin of the University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine Cluj-Napoca Horticulture journal. Bulletin UASVM Horticulture is also indexed in recognised academic databases (Agricola, Agris, CAB Direct, Doaj, EBSCO, Thomson Reuters Master Journal List – Zoological Records, Viniti etc.).
Notulae Botanicae Horti Agrobotanici Cluj-Napoca
The event is hosted in the main campus of the University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine Cluj-Napoca, Romania. The campus is located close to the city center and includes different academic and research buildings. From the city center, one can reach the campus in about 20 minutes walking or in less than 10 minutes by bus or trolleybus (nr. 9, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28) or walking. A local transport ticket costs 2 lei (approx. 50 Euro cents). Click here for a map of the city center or here for a map of the University campus. A detailed map of Cluj-Napoca can be obtained from the web site: https://www.google.ro/maps/@46.7658351,23.5791761,15z
You can find a large number of hotels in Cluj-Napoca, including in the proximity of the UASVM Cluj-Napoca (please see below several ones). The hotels can be connected directly, register online via their websites with details about their location (maps) and room prices, facilities (wireless is usually free).
Hotel Pami, 3 Stars, 20 rooms, walk 5-10 min to the USAMV campus, str. Manastur 39, http://www.hotelpami.com/
Hotel Napoca, 4 Stars, 160 rooms, walk 15-20 min to the USAMV campus, str. Octavian Goga nr.1. http://www.hotelnapoca.ro/
Hotel Sport, 3 Stars, 136 rooms, walk 10-15 min to the USAMV campus, Aleea Stadionului nr. 1, http://www.unita-turism.ro/ro/hotel/cluj-napoca/sport.html
Hotel Cristal, 3 Stars, 20 rooms, walk 10 min to the USAMV campus, Str. Moldovei nr. 17, http://www.hotel-cristal.ro
For other hotels, please visit the link
The location of your hotel can be seen in the city map. A digital map of Cluj and other information are available here http://www.cluj4all.com/
About Cluj-Napoca
Cluj-Napoca is an ancient Roman City in the heart of Transylvania. The city is the economic and cultural capital of Transylvania (North-West of Romania, see details at https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cluj-Napoca).
Silent medieval streets and walls, full of history and hospitable people await you to enjoy Cluj monuments, churches and schools or universities. Discover the famous Transylvanian landscape, tradition, culture, foods and drink (the famous Transylvanian ‘sarmale’, ‘mici’, ‘palinka’, good wine and beer etc.), museums, arts etc. as well calm and reflexive mind of people…. Come and explore all the ancient and modern beauties and opportunities! For details about different touristic attractions in Cluj-Napoca see: http://www.visitcluj.ro/home.html?Itemid=131
Entrance Visa
Holders of an Identity card or passport from any EU country, the US and many others do not need a visa to enter Romania. Visas are required by citizens of several other countries. Lists of countries whose citizens do require a visa are given on www.mae.ro
Participants who are not EU citizens must have a valid passport, they should check with the Romanian embassies or consulates in their respective countries. If a visa is required to enter Romania, it is better to obtain it in advance at the Romanian Embassy or Consulate in your own country. Visas can be obtained at customs on arrival, but this may cost more and formalities may take some time.
Letters of invitation
If you need an official invitation, please send an email to: editor1@notulae.ro. A letter of invitation does not imply any financial support from the organizers.
Official Language
The official language of the conference is English.
Publishing resume information
Details regarding our journals (statistics in academic databases for 2016) can be found on web page: http://www.notulaebotanicae.ro/index.php/nbha/announcement/view/13. Accepted abstracts sent to “40 Years of Horticulture Education in Cluj-Napoca, 1977-2017” conference (September 27, 2017) will be published as full text in a special issue of ISI journal Notulae Botanicae Horti Agrobotanici Cluj-Napoca (ISI Plant Sciences). You can find instructions for upload or send the abstract on the conference site (http://conference.shst.ro) and elaboration of the papers on the web page:
If a participant would like to send two or more contributions, the exceeded of one article will be published in Notulae Scientia Biologicae journal which is a quarterly peer-reviewed journal (under ISI evaluation, and included in prestigious international academic databases), and all editing rules and peer review process are the same with NBHA-CN.
The participants to the symposium “Prospects for the 3rd Millennium Agriculture”, will have occasion to publish their contributions in the Bulletin of the University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine Cluj-Napoca Horticulture journal. Information about registration and submission will be available on web page of symposium (http://symposium.usamvcluj.ro/).
Details and instructions to the authors for publishing are available on the websites:
Notulae Botanicae Horti Agrobotanici Cluj-Napoca
Notulae Scientia Biologicae
Bulletin of the University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine Cluj-Napoca Horticulture
Organizing Secretary
- Institution: Faculty of Horticulture, University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine Cluj-Napoca
- Address: 3-5 Mănăștur Street, Cluj-Napoca 400372, Romania
- Tel: +40 264.596.384
- Web-page (University): http://www.usamvcluj.ro/
- Web-page (Notulae Botanicae journal): http://www.notulaebotanicae.ro
- Web-page (Notulae Scientia Biologicae journal): http://www.notulaebiologicae.ro
- Contact person for NBHA-CN publication: Radu E. SESTRAS (rsestras@notulae.ro)
- Contact e-mail for information of NBHA-CN / NSB: editor1@notulae.ro
- Conference web-page: http://conference.shst.ro/
- Horticulture and Forestry Society from Transylvania (SHST – http://www.shst.ro)
Brochure of the Faculty of Horticulture Cluj-Napoca (Edited with the occasion of celebration “35 Years of Horticulture Education in Cluj-Napoca, 1977-2012”, November 29, 2012) http://horticultura.usamvcluj.ro/documente/prezentare/Faculty%20of%20Horticulture%20Cluj-Napoca%20brochure.pdf
Invitation pdf format (click on: 40-years-faculty-of-horticulture-27-sept-2017-cluj-napoca)